genuine self, leadership and performance confidence

We are all navigating uncertainty and change. Are you growing with it in a way that works for you?

Most leaders and high performers are at their limit most of the time. This means there’s no space for growth.

By finding the sweet spot

It’s in this place that

What I’ve found in my mentoring and coaching work with CEO’s, business leaders and professional athletes is that focusing on your mindset and your energy is the most effective place to start any journey towards self, leadership and performance mastery.

During our time together I’ll support you to tune into yourself so you can work out what you really need. You’ll learn to go deep and explore new ways of thinking, feeling, doing and being.

You’ll learn to master your mindset and find your flow.

You’ll find the sweet spot that exists between achievement and fulfilment, and confidence and happiness.

That’s when you’ll begin to really own your journey.

It’s about stressing less and being more; and

It’s about developing the courage to truly be yourself.

Together we’ll explore big questions, set inspiring goals and make the wise decisions that will support you to build the courage to:

  • be your best self,

  • lead your best life; and

  • do your best work.

Together we’ll go on a journey towards self, leadership and performance mastery.

Are you ready to make the change?

mindset & performance coaching, personal mentoring

how it works and who it’s for

Program Structure

12 coaching sessions over a 12 month period.

  • All sessions are 90 minutes long. Sessions are intentionally longer than industry standards to create genuine space for deep exploration and personal insight.

  • The first 4 sessions are held every 2 weeks to build momentum.

  • The remaining sessions move to monthly, allowing sufficient time for you to integrate personal insights into your everyday experience.

Designed for

Executives, senior leaders, business owners and high performers who are ready to go deep in order to go next level.


$20,000 + GST

Ready to own your journey?

Schedule a confidential discussion with me, in person, over the phone or via a private Zoom meeting.
